I've been playing around on The GIMP some lately... no short stories or anything, sorry, though I am working out the glitches for an allegorical trilogy.

Viking Quest sig set!!! Banner above, avatar below. I like it. I wanted something with Bree, but all the pictures I could find of Bree weren't very good quality, so I had to go with Dev and Mikkel.

My name in 3 scripts.. English, Arabic, and Elvish. Though in Elvish it's "Kai-el" because I can't find the accent for the "i" anywhere on the keyboard.

Some flame effect from the GIMP. Don't know what I did, just that it looks cool.

K in 3 scripts...

"Best Disney Couple" contest on A-U. Found a really neat glow effect that took away how old the pictures look.

Whoot Martin Luther! The movie that the main picture is from is really good, by the way.

Pretty candles... a picture from the candle dance I played around with the effects. Not much showed up, it was so dark, but it still gave a bit of a glare thing.
I know my name in elvish too but no idea how to do it on the computer
You have to download a special font, and then even after that you have to know where each letter is, it's not right.
Didn't think so.
about u posting on here, i mean
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