But the chimneysweep scene with the whole dance thing is probably one of my favorite Disney things.
A foot out the door,
A lingering glance,
A final farewell to all I know.
A cloak on my back,
A quick glance ‘round before I go.
Lifting my face to the morning beauty.
Stepping into the morning dew,
Setting out on an unknown path,
A melody flowing from my mind.
A silent nod to every stranger.
Leaving all I knew behind,
Setting out to rest at last,
Always hunting for an answer.
No house or place to call my own.
From village to city, ‘cross river and lake,
Where e’er the road leads,
A search for the place to call home.
A pipe in my hand,
A wanderer’s life for me.
Ah, so ye did!
Great graphics.
See, I knew I liked you for a reason. I love the Chimney Sweep scene. Of course, Dick Van Dyke being in it helps, too.
Snickering corpses: Ummmm... do I know you?
It's been ages since I've commented. If memory serves, which is always questionable, I landed on your blog off of Rebelution, possibly? It was one of the Christian blogs, but I'm no longer quite sure which one linked to you.
New post? Anything? On either blog? Please????
Internet's down, sorry. And the dial up is really really really slow.
KYLEIGH!!! POST!!! NOW!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!! (:
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