These graphics are mostly wallpapers, y'all have my permission to use them if you like.

The Troubador is a story I began a while ago and is still in my ideas folder, I have no idea what story he will tell. I may work this in with a story in the early planning stages, but I'm not sure yet. I think it would be a good allegory starter, though... *shrug*
"The first thing you notice about him is his small harp, which he carries at his side, strapped onto his belt. The harp is old and is chipped in many places. He wears a faded tunic of green, belted at the waist, and green leggings, which many now-a-days claim are tights. The hat sitting a-top his head is missing most of the feather, and his black hair is unkempt and sticks out every which way. He has a long, bony nose, and his lips are rather thin. At first glance, his eyes appear dull. But when you look closer… there’s a mystery there, calling to you, and beckoning you to sit and listen to his story.
As you walk by, he leans toward you, and whispers in your ear.
“I have a tale to tell you, if you have the time to stay and listen.” His voice is soft, and it seems to draw you in.
Many will pass him by today, too busy with life to hear his yarn, but a few stay to listen.
You take a seat on the floor beside him, and he begins the story."
Nanowrimo2007 is coming up! And I plan on doing it again. Last year I reached the 50,000 word goal, but this year will probably be harder, however my plot is already more devloped than last year's (last year I found out about Nanowrimo on October 31, and the "National Novel Writing Month" starts on November 1...).
I might be interested in that thing! Do you have to start within the month? If you do, I'm hosed. Ah well. I would never be able to finish by the end of November.
Yeah, it's from November1 - November31.
Pardon my language. =)
I am sick and tired of looking at the picture. PLEASE post something new, Kyleigh!!!!
I was just going to say that, word-stealer!
Or comment-stealer. Or whatever.
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