Saturday, 1 December 2007

December Cometh...

The d'Arque drawing. It's not quite Johnny-like enough or creepy enough, but people can tell it's him as d'Arque...

This was drawn for an art trade with Matthew. He picked what I drew for him, I picked what he drew for me. What was it? This.

This was for a graphics and photography contest over on A-U. I layered 2 of my best shots from my set "Canyon Sunset" from the south rim of the Grand Canyon and put 2 layers of text, one more erased than the other. Simple, but I like it.

Our Christmas wallpaper this year. I made it. :P Pictures are from The Nativity Story, text is "O Come All Ye Faithful," in Latin (quid quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur, no?).

And, you get to see a preview of my Nanowrimo from this year. This is just selected little bits... I'm looking for proofreaders/people to tell me what needs to go and where things should be taken away/added... Don't be offended if I say no.

God will be with me always… wherever I go. God, help me stick to you, whatever the cost may be, here, in Yemen, or anywhere in between. I can never repay you for what you’ve done for my, but I can tell others about your amazing love. I pray you’d help me not to be ashamed of my faith, but I’d also know when not to speak up if that might ever be the case.

As Eileen went to bed a few minutes later, the strains of Amazing Love rang in her head. “Amazing love, how can it be, that you my king would die for me, Amazing love, I know it’s true, and it’s my joy to honor you…. Jesus, you are my king… you are my king…”

One month left here. One month helping Grandma L., one month playing Frisbee with Tim, Jess, and David. One month to let the twins clamber all over me. God, sometimes it’s so hard to do this. I want to follow you, even when it’s hard, even when where I’m at now looks so easy and good. I’ll go wherever you want me to go, Lord, help me be willing to follow you, whatever the cost, wherever I go. Whatever happens. Tim, too, God, help Tim be willing to stick to you no matter the cost or what happens.


“Reem, whatever happens, know that I love you. Remember what Christ did for us, and never do anything you would be ashamed of. I pray it never comes to this, but if there is ever a choice between life and death, choose eternal life – even if it means death or separation for a short while. Love God with all your heart, whatever the cost, wherever we are, whatever happens.” Reem was crying, sobbing uncontrollably. “Remember the little life inside of you. Raise our child to see the Lord.”

Reem shook her head, sensing what Kasam was implying. “No, Kasam, everything will be fine… my father will not mind so much soon, and then everything will go back to normal.”

Kasam was silent, hugging Reem close to him. No… no, for some reason I do not think that will be so. Something tells me… Oh God, it can’t be can it? How can I leave Reem? How can I leave my beautiful Yemen? Suddenly Kasam felt as if someone’s arms were surrounding him and he was hidden away in them as if he were a small child.

Kasam, my child… I love you more than you love Reem, more than you love Yemen. I have called you to follow me. I have destined you to be my child since the beginning. Do not be afraid. I have a plan for you, one to bring light to the nations, one that will touch the lives of many. Trust me, Kasam. Trust me.

Kasam shut his eyes tightly. God, help me try… I want to trust you. I will trust you.

Also, I would like people to read my Stargonia story and give me their most truest honestest opinions on it - I want it to be really really good.



Anonymous said...

You spelt 'me' as 'my' in the first paragraph of the extract. :) But otherwise it's really good!

Lostariel said...

My truest most honest opinion? I love it. I adore it. But I wish there was more Fantasticalism or inclusion of the ones you have. And I'd love it if it seemed more like Calaeda and Nathan were in love, beforehand (but maybe that's just me, who loves love stories). And I'd like to know who Riona marries. I mean in the story. So yeah. My opinion, exit stage left.

Kyleian said...

Thanks Sarah!

Anna: Eeeh... I don't like extreme Fantasy... And you know what I think about your other two comments...

Anonymous said...

Not extreme, just SOME. You have like 1 that actually comes in, the dragons. And that's like it.

Kyleian said...

Actually I changed it, they're gryphons now. But I don't use magic in them, and I do have other creatures, like Alda.

Anonymous said...

But you never MENTION the Alda, do you?!
Why would they do magic?

Kyleian said...

Yeah, I do. They're there in the battle.

Anonymous said...
