Tuesday, 15 May 2007

Testing... just testing to make sure the email to blogger works.

Had a wonderful night on the beach with my Well Group... we danced around at the edge of the water for a little while, then sat down and read some inspiring Bible verses, sang some songs, and prayed. On the way back to the C's we got Ice cream and then at the C's, I looked at skirt patterns.
Then I had to say farewells... especially one to Sharon... their family is heading back to the states to live... hopefully - Lord willing - only temporarily.
Keep them in your prayers.


(next post - from the states!)

He has shown thee, O man, what is good and what the Lord requires of thee. To act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God. ~Micah 6:8~

One Passion! Livin' For HIM


BananaBint said...

You just posted this on your other blog...

Kyleian said...


BananaBint said...

So why are you posting it againg?!?!?!??!?!?!?

Anonymous said...

New post, please.

BananaBint said...

Yes. I second Anna.

Anonymous said...

And I third myself. Please, Ky. Post some art... some unfinished art...... some old art..... post pictures, chatter mindlessly, anything'll do.

Kyleian said...

Sorry... I don't have a scanner.

BananaBint said...

Then chatter mindlessly!